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Students Support

We're here to help!

It won't let me log in
You are likely either using Safari, or are inputting your credentials incorrectly. If your school has a Student ID with a number and a letter, try it both ways. If your school’s emails can end with either mail.school.edu, or school.edu, try it both ways. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to contact support at support@wiseattend.com or (818) 641-5936.
It won’t let me share my screen/webcam/microphone
You need to enable screensharing/webcam/microphone permissions from your computer to your web browser (within your computer’s settings), and from your web browser to Wise (within the browser settings). For Mac, go to “System Preferences”, then go to “Security & Privacy”, then go to “Privacy”, and select “Screen Recording”, and click the checkbox for your internet browser. Do the same for Camera Permissions. For Windows, go to Start, then click on Settings, then Privacy, then Camera, and/or Screen Recording. Then make sure that camera access for your browser (e.g. Google Chrome) is turned on.
It says my link is expired
You may be using an unsupported browser such as Safari. Otherwise your professor has likely provided you the wrong link, or you have entered the link incorrectly. Double check and ensure you are entering everything correctly, or contact your professor to confirm the link.
Something Else
For all other questions, don’t hesitate to contact support at support@wiseattend.com or (818) 641-5936.
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